I recently came across a book at the library titled Making Money from Home by Donna Partow. It was much more informational than I expected. What I liked best about it was the questions it asked. They really get you thinking about your skills, why you want to work from home, your education, training, and job experience, etc. It also takes you through writing a business plan.
Some of the chapters are :
What Home Based Business Is Right for You
Direct Sales and Network Marketing
Information Products
Affiliate Marketing
Everyone Needs a Blog
Social Networking
The book has a lot of links that you can check out. Some of the links are to the author’s website and products, but not all of them. The book really got my mind going on all the ways you can make money from home. A lot of them I knew about already, but some were new. It also had helpful advice on how to incorporate your home life with your business life.
I’ve decided I’m going to purchase the book for myself so I can write in it and refer to it often. I am also going to take the time this weekend to answer some of the questions in the book and figure out exactly what I need and want to do next. I highly recommend the book: Making Money from Home: How to Run a Successful Home-Based Business
This is an affiliate link, but all opinions are honest and my own.
I really enjoyed your blog, and I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. 🙂 http://the-edge-of-the-sky.blogspot.com/2012/06/liebster-blog-award.html
Popped in from SITS! Definitely checking this out!