The founder of iBloom, Kelly Thorns Gore is a very vibrant speaker and has so much enthusiasm for helping people with their businesses and leading them to a life they love. The thing that set this conference apart from some of the others I’ve attended is their focus on God. So many times I’ve had an idea and I’ve just plowed ahead without giving any thought to what God wants me to be doing. No wonder some of my endeavors haven’t worked out so well! They did a lot of talking about dreaming big and connecting with others. I think the connecting part is so important. Sometimes we try and go it alone. There is so much we can learn from others. When we feel like quitting sometimes we need someone reminding us why we started this thing in the first place.
iBloom Conference for Women in Business
I attended a virtual conference through the organization iBloom last month. I was really impressed by all the talent these presenters had. Some of them were life coaches, graphic designers, small business owners. There were also people from Mary Kay and social media experts. There were seven one hour sessions over a course of two days covering everything from social media to reclaiming our health.
Maybe God has a bigger plan for your life than even you can imagine. Even though the conference is over, for a limited time you can purchase the downloads of all the sessions for just $25. Here is the link . I got so much out of this business conference and I hope you do too. You will have to copy and paste the link in your browser. For some reason it is not clickable.
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. This post does include affiliate links.
I need to leave more up to God, too. I forget sometimes.
Came by from SITS!
I love ibloom! That’s great that these teachings have helped you so much. I do the same thing especially in blogging – I plow ahead without stopping to think or pray and ask God for direction. I’ve been doing a lot better lately and it makes all the difference. 🙂 Stopping by from SITs, have a great day!
I tend to act on my own without going to God in prayer first. I know that is something I should work on and strive to do. Even if it is just to ask for knowledge to make the right decisions.
Thanks so much for sharing this! One statement you made really jumped out at me this morning: “Maybe God has a bigger plan for your life than even you can imagine.” That is something I need to remember! (stopping by from SITS)
Happy Saturday from SITS. This is awesome. God does have greater plans and sometimes it is just flat-out scary! Blessings.
We always seem to wanna help God too. I know I’m bad with that one. Stopping by from SITS.