I am linking up to Mommy Only Has 2 Hands, Quiz About Me.
1. What are two must haves when you go on a road trip?
I would have to say my kindle fire and some gum.
2. What is your favorite amusement park ride?
I don’t really do rides anymore. I guess i’d have to say the merry go round or ferris wheel.
3. Post favorite picture from the last six months?
I’d have to say this one of my toy poodle, Toby. He looks so dignified! I would post a picture of my kids, but now that they are teenagers they are kind of funny about that.
4. What do you (did you) call your grandparents?
I just called them grandma and grandpa. I loved visiting both sets of my grandparents! I miss them.
My Question to you the reader this week is…
If you could vacation to anywhere in the world right now without thinking about the cost, where would you go?
See the button to the right to link up.
Toby is so adorable…awwwwwwww. My son hates pictures too..I have to almost bribe or pay to get one. (I’ve done both)
I’d love to go to Hawaii…I love these get to know you posts! I love your header too!