I decided every Tuesday is going to be “Tip Tuesday”. I love collecting tips to make life easier. If you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them!
1. If you are trying to hang a picture in the right spot use a dab of toothpaste on the frame’s hook. When the right spot is found gently tap the frame against the wall so it leaves a mark. Insert nail over toothpaste and wipe clean!
2. Every kid loves to make crafts with glitter, but it makes such a mess! Use a lint roller to pick up the glitter. You could also use it to pick up small pieces of paper when crafting or scrapbooking.
3. Want to make your cut flowers last longer? Try putting a piece of charcoal without lighter fluid into an opaque, water filled vase, then add the flowers. The charcoal will act as a water filter, trapping chlorine and other contaminants.
4. Want to make your bathroom smell nice without heavy floral scents? Take a bottle of lavender essential oil (or any scent) and put some on a q-tip. Apply it to the inside of the toilet paper roll. Now every time it spins it will give off a scent!
Great tips, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Such great tips. I like the toilet paper roll one. Nice blog…new follower. I’ll be back. 🙂