Yes, I know I spelled messy wrong. That is the way it was spelled. Neat Mom, Messie Kids is written by Sandra Felton. I became aware of this author about ten years ago when I was trying to find an easy way to keep my home clean and organized. Now that school is back in session there will be books, backpacks, and papers that will very possibly take over your house. Even though the title of this book implies that the mom is neat, the book actually pertains to messy moms too. I do not claim to be a neat mom. Just ask my husband! I have improved over the years though and am always looking for new ways to make things as simple as possible. If you want help with your household management systems read this book is for you.
This book is about involving your children in the management of the house so it doesn’t all fall on your shoulders. It teaches you how to become a coach of a family organizing team. Letters from moms are included in the book.
They share some of the things that have worked for them. There is also a list of related books and websites.
Some of the things I took away from the book are having family meetings. State your goals, but don’t overwhelm your kids all at once. Write down the plan and use your children’s input. I also liked where she talked about taking the children’s personalities into consideration. What works for one child may not work for another.
Remember our job is to develop children who are responsible and productive adults. Give you and your family time to make these changes. Old habits are hard to break. I recommend this book if you don’t want all the responsibility of a clean, well managed house to fall solely on you.
If you are interested in ordering the book you can do so at this link.
Disclosure: All opinions are my own. I did use an Amazon affiliate link.
The title of the book got my attention… mmmm
Anyway, I came back to say that I gave you a Blog Award!
Thanks for the reward. I will check it out.
What wonderful tips! I love the idea of making a plan with family input.
Thanks for stopping by!
I think I need this book, although I finally finally have some what of a cleaning schedule worked out that seems relatively manageable. I have it organized into every day chores, weekly chores and once a month chores and a check off list for everything in an app that I do every day. Its worked ok the last couple of weeks, but you are right old habits are hard to break. One thing I think I have read is that it takes 13 to 14 days for something to become a habit. So keeping that in mind will help moms and families get into a grove.
That sounds like a great cleaning schedule! My problem is always consistency. I’ll do something for a few weeks and then I just don’t keep up sometimes. I actually have heard 21 days to a new habit, but I like 13- 14 days better!
I think I’m going to keep an eye out for that book. I’ve also come leaps and bounds over the years, but there’s always clutter somewhere. Bunny’s four, and it’s time she started helping – mainly because she needs to grow up with this ingrained – unlike me. In from SITS.
I need help in this area. I wish I was a neat mom. But we need a book called Messy mom, Messie Kids! Old habits are hard to break. I think I will see if the library has this one. Thank you–from SITS.
Happy SITs day! I hve one organized girl and one who’s stuff goes EVERYWHERE. We made a plan for her because she just takes over the house with school stuff.
Thanks for the review. I always like The Sidetracked Home Executives books because I can definitely get side tracked. Enjoy your SITS Day.
I have a very disorganized daughter who we made a plan for…to include labels for where to put things (from school work to dirty clothing…no joke). I have another, however, who is more organized than the Mafia and puts every organized person I know to shame (it is a bit of an OCD thing, but we embrace it and work around it…she may need therapy later as a result of that). Happy SITS day!
That title describes our family to a tee! Anyway, Happy SITS Day! So glad to have made it before your day was over! I hope it was a great one. 🙂
Sounds like a book I need to pick up. Thanks for the review