How long have you been blogging? Years? Months. Do you ever find yourself envying other people’s blog sites?
Do you wonder why they seem so much more ahead of you when they started much later? Lately I’ve been having some of these thoughts and feelings. I want so much for my blog to be successful. I want to be able to increase my page views, traffic etc. I want to be able to work from home. It’s more than that though. If it wasn’t, I would of quit a long time ago.
I love the sense of community I feel with other bloggers. I love the sense of excitement I feel when I find someone to collaborate with on a project. I love helping readers solve a problem.
If you feel like you’re behind everyone else, or not getting the results they’re getting consider these things:
*Do you have children that you’re caring for or an outside job, or both? You may not have as much time as others to devote to blogging.
*Do you have a chronic illness that you deal with on a daily basis? I have fibromyalgia and it can fluctuate greatly from day to day. I don’t always have the energy I need to get everything done.
*Do you have a lot of technical ability? I know I struggle in this area. I find myself envying those who know graphic design or html coding. I am just not good at that and it slows me down.
*Are you short on funds to hire someone to help you with the things you’re not good at?
I mention these things not so we can have a pity party for ourselves, but to help us to stop comparing ourselves to others. We don’t see what happens behind closed doors. We don’t know everyone’s circumstances. Let’s be kind to ourselves. Let’s not beat ourselves up for not being where someone else is. We all have a message to give to the world. Let’s concentrate on doing the best we can to get that message out. Do you ever struggle with blogger envy?
Thanks for the wisdom of this post. One of the things God has been teaching me is to stop comparing myself to others and simply rest in His plan and timing for MY life. It is the most freeing feeling EVER!!!
That does sound freeing! We have to remember that God made us all different, and the timing or purpose of our blog is not the same for everyone.
I have so been there. It comes and goes. I do what I can when I can. I’m the best me I can be simply because I am a child of the King!
OH yeah, I definitely do! Seems I am taking this process a bit more slowly than some. Part of it is time. I don’t attack blogging with full-time-job frenzy. My husband keeps reminding me that if God really has this for me, it will work for me, but in HIS time. If it’s not from him, it won’t work, and I’m not really sure I would want it to, anyway! I’m new to ChristianMommyBlogger, and hoping this will be a place to start moving forward!
Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone!
Thanks for sharing. That’s where I have difficulty. I’ve been blotting for a couple of years and am not where I’d like to be yet. I often wonder if that means it’s not meant to be. I am going to continue forward unless I feel a definite nudging to move on.
Yes! I do! I’ve been given myself this little talk often these past couple of weeks.
I do have 4 children I’m still homeschooling, I have almost no techie skills, I have no budget for blogging.
But . . . I am enjoying the creative aspect, the connecting with amazing people, and the hope of what it could become.
The key for me is to ask myself how I define success…will it be $$$ or # of readers or quality blog content or something else? This is what I’m thinking on this weekend.
Thank you for sharing this post with us, your words were encouraging.
You and I sound similar. I am not good with techie stuff but I love the creativity and connections!
Yes, I struggle with blogger envy! I have three girls so it’s hard for me to spend as much time on the computer as I want… at the same time, it’s probably a good thing I have three girls otherwise I’d live on my computer and not have a life!!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely! I often struggle with wondering what the difference is between blogs with loads of followers and my own… but it’s a struggle I have to surrender to Christ again and again. I blog because I praise Him through it. And he gives me great contentment in that. 🙂
Very wise advice!
I think we all struggle with that sometimes. I find my biggest struggles are the technical skills part–what I’m sure others can do in five minutes I find myself researching how to do for five hours! Five hours that I don’t really have to be sitting on the computer either. I just like to remind myself that “slow and steady wins the race” and focus on building relationships with my readers. Great post!
I can so relate! I was trying to figure out something the other day and it was taking me forever. I am not the most patient person either. I finally asked a friend for help. She took 10 minutes to figure it out. I had been working on it for days. I finally decided to hire a virtual assistant to see if that is beneficial.
It’s definitely easy to compare ourselves with others, and feel envy. I still do, but I choose to channel that into something more positive. Ways to improve my writing, growing my blog etc, rather than wallow in how much less my writing and blogging is. 🙂
Stopping by from SITS Sharefest.
It sounds like you have the right attitude!
I think everyone goes through this at some point – but like many people pointed out we have to just have faith, while not allowing ourselves to compare ever. I have seen super fantastic blogs doing so well, and they have been around for years and years – and to hear how long it took, well some say it took three to four years before their Blog really got noticed.
I think the key is NOT GIVING UP. Why are you here and doing this to begin with? God must have been in the plan as that is why you are here. So, you just pretend you are writing to thousands and thousands each time you do a post, and one day it will happen. One quite famous Blogger says she used to write to like (2) followers for about a year. Sometimes it is a wonder how some Bloggers get up and running to blogging “fame” within months, but again that is for us not to compare but work hard and strife for what we want.
Great post! Happy Sharefest day!!
Those are some great comments! It is encouraging to remind myself that it doesn’t happen overnight for most.
I’m so with ya on this.
Comparison only zaps my joy … just splashing around to encourage others.
So delighted to meet you. I hope you don’t mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some serious goodness.
I would love you to share this post! A group of moms gather each week. I usually post on Mondays, but missed it this week. I start jotting a few notes and then others join in. You can post whenever, doesn’t have to be anything new, it can be a gem nestled in your pages. I get the filled to the brim momma schedules.
Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.
Be blessed,