Have you ever wanted to know how to be the expert in your business? I know this is something that i try to improve daily. I am so excited to share with you about a conference that is coming up this month that will do just that! I just love this organization. I first heard of them back in 2012. I have attended three of their online conferences and also hired the founder Kelly Thorne Gore for a business consultation. It was so informative. I wrote about one of iBloom’s books I Choose to Love My Life in a previous post. That book has been so helpful to me.
This conference is an all day event for only $27! There will be five sessions. The session that really stands out to me is session #4 “Create the Content for a Free Teleclass or Webinar”. This is something that I have been seriously thinking about doing. If for some reason you are not able to attend the conference will be recorded. Don’t miss out! Click on the image above to sign up or learn more!
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