I have Brandi with us today from Being Fibro Mom. She is going to be talking about dealing with fibromyalgia as a mom. I am always looking for bloggers who are dealing with fibromyalgia as a mom. I can definitely relate to a lot of the things they go through considering I deal with the same thing and am a mom as well. I am excited about having our second interview in the series. You can see the first interview here. Brandi is going to tell us a little about herself, her family, and her blog. Welcome Brandi!
My Fruitful Home: What is the name of your illness?
Brandi: Fibromyalgia
My Fruitful Home: I have that illness as well and am also a mom.
How long have you had to deal with this illness?
Brandi: The onset of symptoms began in 2006, and I was diagnosed in late 2012.
My Fruitful Home: Six years is a long time to wait to be diagnosed. I was diagnosed in 1992 shortly after the birth of my first child. How many children do you have and how old are they?
Brandi: I have four children ages eight, seven, five, and three
My Fruitful Home: That’s a lot to deal with. I bet they keep you very busy! Do you find it difficult being a mother and dealing with a chronic illness?
Brandi: Currently, I do not find it difficult being a mother and managing my chronic illness. It is challenging at times, but manageable with the help of my support system. Before I was diagnosed, I couldn’t treat what I didn’t know I had. It was very difficult to care for me, and much more difficult to care for my family. We have all come a very long way in my recovery and pain management.
My Fruitful Home: I am glad you have a helpful support system, that is so important. I’m glad you have found something that works for you.What is the one thing that helps you with your illness?
Brandi: When dealing with a multi-faceted illness such as fibromyalgia, there is no one way to manage your illness. There are several key elements that work together to have a successful management system.
Those key elements are an effective treatment plan tailored to your wants and needs; a strong, reliable, informed support system comprised of those close to you, such as spouse, kids, family, and friends, that are aware of your illness and how it affects you; and a sense of self-awareness in order to know what your triggers are, what works for you, and what doesn’t work for you.
My Fruitful Home: How long have you been blogging?
Brandi: I have been blogging since November 2013, but changed my focus of blogging to fibromyalgia and chronic pain in June 2014.
My Fruitful Home: I have been blogging since 2008, but took a break for awhile when I got a job. I recently changed my niche to women with chronic illnesses about nine months ago. How do you manage your blogging with taking care of your kids and an illness?
Brandi: I sort of chuckled to myself when I read this question. Not because it’s a funny question, but because of how challenging it can be. Quite frankly, it can be chaotic at times.
Routine and schedules are what work best for my family and me. It keeps my stress levels low and allows us to function more effectively together as a family.
I wish I could say I blog every day, but I do not. I write when I can, when the pain levels are low, and my kids are too crazy, and that time may be at night, in the morning, or on the weekend. Blogging is important to me because it allows me to reach out to others especially moms and let them know they are not alone in this mess called fibromyalgia.
My Fruitful Home: It is difficult to post every day when you have a chronic illness and children. Mine are teenagers and I still find it hard! Do you have a favorite inspirational quote, scripture or song that helps you get through your days?
Brandi: When I have flares and the pain is so great that I am brought to tears, I pray to God to help me understand the purpose of this pain and to bring me comfort. There are many bible verses I love, but this is the one I keep close to my heart during those times of unbearable pain:
“So do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
-Isaiah 41:10
It is easy to take comfort in those words.
A song that always moves me to tears is a song that I heard during one of my dark, helpless days at the beginning of my treatment.
“How can I keep from singing” by Chris Tomlin
Thank you so much Brandi for taking the time to share your life with us! I am sure my readers will benefit from it. If you would like to learn more about Brandi and her blog you can find her at:
Thank you for having me, Tanya!
Brandi Clevinger recently posted…Fibromyalgia and Adrenal Fatigue
I have a deep respect for you both! Thank you for sharing more about yourself and Fibro at Women With Intention Wednesdays! I hope to see you back this week! 🙂 (And I love Isaiah 41:10!)
Jenny @ Women With Intention recently posted…Women With Intention Wednesdays #4
I admire your strength and managing this disease without pain meds. You always have such a positive and inspiring voice in your blog posts Brandi. Thanks for sharing your fibro story with Small Victories Sunday linkup.
Tanya @ Mom’s Small Victories recently posted…Top 10 Young Adult Books I Want to Read
Thank you for interviewing others with illness. It helps to know there are others out there with the same struggle. Blessings!
Nichole Hall recently posted…Escapism is Hard to Control