After reading chapter three, The Prisoners, from the book Unglued, (You can see more thoughts on this book if you click here) I could really relate to the whole label thing. I think we are all guilty of putting labels on ourselves, especially women. I don’t consider myself the most organized person, so I tell myself that’s just the way I am. Instead of remembering how I have improved in this department over the years, I remind myself that I’m not where I want to be. Other labels I’ve put on myself are technically challenged, unintelligent, and unproductive.
In the past I constantly compared myself to others. This is something that I have been working real hard on to change. Labels LIMIT us. Labels DEFINE us. The only way I want to define myself is by what God says about me. Lysa reminds us that God is always in the business of transforming us. She calls this chiseling, just like when the sculpture David was being made in Florence, Italy. When someone asked how he went about making the statue, Michelangelo is said to have replied, “It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn’t look like David.”
Lysa talks about the disciple Peter. He is the one who panicked out on the water when Jesus told him to come to Him. He is the same person who denied Jesus three times. I’m so glad Jesus did not give up on Peter. He continued to be chiseled. Peter ends up being called The Rock on which He would build His church. If Jesus didn’t give up on Peter, there’s hope that he will not give up on me. God is still writing my story. I am still being transformed. I am so glad!
over from the blog hop! Thanks for sharing!