Do you ever lose your temper with your kids or your husband? I’m sure you don’t. I know I don’t. Okay, now it’s time for a confession, I do lose it with my family members more times than I’d like to admit. It seems to happen more when I’m tired, in a hurry, or not feeling well. As soon as I became a mother I vowed I would not yell as much as my mother yelled at me. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don’t. New York Time’s best selling author Lysa Terkeurst has written a new book titled Unglued – Making Wise Choices in the midst of Raw Emotions. The titled certainty grabbed my attention. I do have lots of unglued moments. This is not something that I want to continue.
What I like about the book is Lysa’s admission to something she calls imperfect progress. Sometimes we tell ourselves if we can’t do something perfectly we shouldn’t even try at all. It is encouraging to know that it’s okay to make baby steps, as long as I’m moving forward.
My favorite quote from the book so far is “I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control.” I do find myself having the most unglued moments when I am feeling out of control. When my kids won’t listen to me or aren’t moving fast enough. If I am feeling overwhelmed I tend to lose it. Even in the moment I tell myself, “You really should stop yelling.” It’s almost like an addiction. It releases my stress and I just explode like a pressure cooker.
I am hoping that this book continues to help me along my journey to having less unglued moments. I will keep you posted.
misssrobin says
Best wishes. It’s so tough to do differently than how we were raised. I’m fighting this battle, too. We can do it!
Happy Sharefest. Have a great weekend.
Chris Carter says
I AM LOVING THIS BOOK TOO!!! Actually, I am doing a women’s group with “Unglued” and the on line study! Isn’t it amazing? Oh, how I want to be besties with Lysa Terkeurst!!! 🙂 Praying the book helps us all!!! visiting from SITS…
Tanya says
This looks like a book I need to read. I definitely have lots of unglued moments, they seem to worsen as weather gets colder and my work stress has been increasing. It’s hard to remember to not come unglued, but I can use all the help I can get. I read another good one called Scream-Free Parenting which I talk about on my blog.
Visiting you back, Tanya from Mom’s Small Victories
By the way, I love the clean and colorful design of your blog. I certainly could use help in blog design so I’m always stalking other blog designs. Love this one!
Kinsey says
Lysa tells it like it is. Love her.
Kim Hawkins says
I’m not a yeller but my husband begs to differ. LOL! I do however, have what I call “crazy-lady” moments and I say, “Please don’t make me be all crazy-lady right now.” This actually helps diffuse what could be an “unglued” moment and we laugh and muddle through. Thanks for sharing.
Tanya says
I like the “crazy lady” approach. I’ll have to try this!
Teri Bailey says
I like the phrase “imperfect progress”. I sometimes get caught up in the “if I can’t do it perfectly, why even try” mode. One thing I’ve learned especially when I’m overwhelmed is to say “what can I get done in 10 minutes?” I actually set the timer on the stove. I used to do this with our two boys. Now they’re out of the house, but I still use it for me!
Tanya says
That’s a great idea! I’m going to have to try the 10 minute trick.
Kim Avery says
Thanks for the great book recommendation. I always love a good new book and this one sounds like a winner!
Julie Voorhees says
I’m following this book too as part of the Proverbs 31 online book study. Lisa has a keen ability to finesse some memorable phrases into her books. Good to know I’m reading with friends.
Becky says
I loved this book! It gives such practical steps to overcome those unglued moments. I also love that she talks about ‘imperfect progress’. Giving myself some grace when I do come unglued instead of beating myself up over my failure really helps in the change process. Thanks for sharing!